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How Resolute is Your Resolution? Making Resolutions Worth Keeping

Inspired Living Real Estate Collective January 27, 2022

Do you make New Year Resolutions? A resolution is defined as "a firm decision to do or not to do something." It seems as if the "firm decision" portion of resolutions is not so resolute when it comes to making resolutions! So what's the key to making resolutions worth keeping? The first thing is to make sure that it is something that is intimately meaningful to you. Give it some thought and really focus on what changes, habits or improvements you can make that will bring you greater joy, peace or improve the relationships with those closest to you. If you make a resolution to lose weight or work out more but are only making it because you know you should or that is what everyone around you is resolving to do, then it has no true meaning or connection to you and your likelihood of success is slim at best.
Dig in and really discover what making this change will do for you! I want to lose weight and eat healthier so that I can have more energy to play with my kids; I want to improve my mental clarity so that I can deepen my relationships with my family and friends and be more efficient and effective in my work; I want the foods I eat to empower me rather than bog me down…you get the picture. Adding meaning to your resolution will make it real and alive and something worth fighting for when things get tough and you are tempted to quit. Your "Why!" is what will keep you motivated and ultimately bring you success!
Your resolution must also be something that is measurable. So think, I am going to lose x amount of weight versus I am going to lose weight. And then break it down into measurable milestones so that you can track your progress and be less likely to give up if it seems too overwhelming or unattainable. So instead of "I am going to work out"...change this to "I am going to work out two times per week for 30 minutes each for four weeks." And get specific with this by scheduling the time on your calendar to hold yourself accountable. Make incremental changes over time to make it more challenging.
For example, add an additional day and/or increase the work out time on a monthly basis. To improve your success rate, it is important to have a specific plan and include details that define the what, where and how of your goal. So keeping to the workout theme, are you joining a gym, taking classes, or using equipment, streaming services or apps at home. Time-block these sessions so that they are on your calendar and treat them like any other important meeting on your schedule. And be realistic with your goals as well as your expectations for your timeline for achieving success. And make room for grace and forgiveness to yourself. If you get off track then just refocus and get back at it! 

Other Factors That Will Improve Your Resolutions.

Write it down! Write down your goal, your WHY and your plan for achieving your goal. Keep it in a visible spot that you will see often. Read it out loud everyday and think about and envision what it will feel like when you achieve success. Write down the challenges you perceive that may create roadblocks or prevent you from being successful. Thinking through these challenges up front can prevent you from ever encountering them! Success is a mindset and when you mentally eliminate the challenges you have already beaten them!
Find a partner that can either join you on your journey or help keep you accountable to your goals. Make sure you choose someone that is as committed to the goal as you are or at least one that will not let you get in your own way of success. If your accountability partner agrees with your excuses for why you did not make progress towards your goal that day, then you need a new partner. Pick someone that you know will push you and encourage you to do more than what even you think might be possible. You will be surprised at what you are capable of!
Enjoy the journey! Try not to focus on the end goal too much. Celebrate the milestones on the way to achieving your goal. Remember to laugh at yourself once in a while. Smile more and silence your inner voice when it has nothing positive to say.
And just because it is called a New Year Resolution does not mean that you can’t start your journey in June or whenever! Break free of the excuses for making positive changes in your life. Stop getting ready to get ready and START!
There are a ton of resources for making resolutions worth keeping books, apps, classes. But don’t get in your own way of success by standing still. Decide, commit and move forward towards change and success! Here's to a year of success, personal growth and happiness!
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