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Green is the New Black!

Laura Jewett January 2, 2023

Happy New Year! Do any of your New Year Resolutions include living a healthier lifestyle or showing more kindness to our planet? If so, we will have plenty of ideas, tips tricks, and hacks to do just that as we are dedicating the month of January to going GREEN! And of course, we do not have completely altruistic motivations here as there are plenty of ways that you can benefit both in wellness and your pocketbook by making some simple changes. So, we hope you join us on our journey down the yellow brick road to the Emerald City of GREEN living! 
For a taste of what is to come, here are some interesting tidbits for simple ways that you can save money and/or improve your health which also have a positive impact on our planet.
One of the simplest solutions that can have a HUGE impact.
Most of us are using a reusable water bottle by now but it is still so easy to slip back into the habit the second someone offers us a bottle of water. Make an effort to break this habit and just ask for a refill of your bottle. And if you do use a plastic water bottle, make a concerted effort to make sure that it ends up in a recycle bin. Only 12% of the more than 35 BILLION plastic water bottles that are thrown away each year are recycled. Most of them end up in landfills or as litter on our streets, parks, and waterways. It’s a huge problem that can be improved one water bottle at a time! Plus it is a huge cost savings! A Penn State University study found the average American can save $1,236/year if using a reusable water bottle instead of buying plastic.
How efficient is your home? There is a test for that!
Drafty or single-pane windows? Older AC unit? Lacking insulation in your attic? Fluorescent lights? You know these things are impacting the efficiency of your home and thus the bottom line on your utility bills but have you ever wondered by how much? Have an Energy Audit of your home done! 
So, what exactly is a home energy audit? A home energy audit helps you pinpoint where your house is losing energy and what you can do to save money. A professional home energy auditor will also assess health and safety issues that might exist in your home.
While having a professional home energy assessment is the surest route to determining where your home is losing energy and where you can save, the US Department of Energy also provides a helpful guide to do a self-assessment that can be a great starting point and can still have a big impact on your bottom line each month.
But be on the lookout later this month for an interview we will be doing with an energy home auditor! They will be providing lots of tips and examples of cost savings from making simple changes.
As a GREEN Certified Agent, I can provide you with a wide variety of referrals and services to maximize the efficiency of your home. Contact us today if you would like to find out more! 
Green Living.

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